
AHHHH/ Happy List Today

I have to admit, this is the first day of the semester that I feel as if I might have a breakdown. A presentation tomorrow, a short story not even close to being written, and a test on Friday have me wanting to stay in bed all day and hide from the world. On top of that, let's add other homework, meetings everyday and the beginning of two hour Pigskin practices every night this week. Oh, and Caitlin, if you haven't forgotten, you're a senior and you have no idea what you're doing in eight months. You might want to get on that.
Yes, these are the thoughts in my head this morning as I try to keep it together. While I know I could be studying or writing my story right now, I want to talk to you, so here I am. I've made the bold decision that today, whatever I am doing, I'll be there in that moment. During Tri Delt meeting, I'll be there. At Pigskin practice, I'll be there. When meeting with my French conversation tutor, as terrifying as it might be, I'll be there too.

In an effort to make this morning a little brighter, I've made a list of all the things that make me happy today:
Parent's Weekend- some how, my family managed to never take a picture this weekend, but I am so thankful they came to visit. We had some sweet times of familyness- yes, today that is a word. Oh, and coffee is always on the happy list.

Flowers that are so lovely I smell them nearly every time I walk past.

Really awesome clouds and a new season of Baylor football of course.

Expressions of beauty.

A fabulous After Dark- I have so many gifted friends.

A new generation of Baylor Bears.

Laura featured on the football season tickets- this one is way up there on the happy list.

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