
The Defender

Today and yesterday, there has been a whisper of cool outside. It's almost like fall is telling us that we haven't been forgotten and the burning heat will come to an end. I have a feeling it will be here before we know it.

The last few weeks, I've been thinking about the story in the bible where the Pharisees bring an adulteress woman to Jesus. Trying to trap Jesus, they ask him what they should do with the woman who was caught having sex with a man that wasn't her husband. As you probably know, Jesus tells them that the man who hasn't sinned can throw the first stone and one by one, they all walk away.

But what I've been struck by recently is what Jesus does next. After all the men have left, he tells the woman to get up, go on, and sin no more. And then it hit me, I am that woman. Even if no one else catches me in a sinful act, Jesus sees me. He sees me at my most vulnerable and my most deceitful. Yet, instead of accusing me, he defends me. Defends me. With a love that is so great that I will never understand it but gladly welcome into every facet of my life, Jesus kneels down next to me and tells me to get up and go on. What love that is.

Walking in that love today and always, Happy Monday.

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