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My college pastor, Kyle Dunn, wrote the following in an email over a year ago. His words struck me so definitely that I have kept the email, refusing to delete it:

"Winter helps us hear the story of God, in the rhythm of the seasons. Most green things lay dormant. The air is harsh and we feel our physical weakness as the cold pushes us to find a coat or a hat or gloves or all of the above. Winter is about the hope of spring. There is a waiting involved—a trust that as it is now—it will not always be. The harshness of life’s winter pushes the soul to seek cover and warmth. As dreams and plans lay dormant, hope holds on to God…believing that a change is coming, by the strength of His might.

If this winter weather is a reflection of a winter season for your life and circumstances—if things right now seem harsh—if you feel very cold and weak—do not abandon faith. The God of all seasons is sovereign over your heart and life. We know the soil experiences winter for a purpose—so that later it will produce fruit. And in the end, it is the same for us. Our God causes and allows winters to descend upon our days…for a purpose. Trust that God is doing something bigger than what you see and feel.

Hope in God. Huddle around the fire of Truth and faith and prayer and community, as you wait patiently for when He will lead you from winter to spring. The frost of how things are now…is not how things will always be. No one can promise you when the season will change. But it will.

Spring is coming, for the glory of God.
There's something about winter that pushes us to withdraw, pull in. Lately, I'm been compelled to notice my falters- all the times I've failed to love mercy, act justly, walk faithfully. I want to be so much more to the people around me and be so much more of the God who created me. Taking note of the falters is the only way we can learn- but there's no going back over them. He takes me just the way I am and wants to change me as our journey continues onward. Today, I'm so thankful for the onward journey.

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